Ellen Harmon White
Teenager Ellen Harmon doesn’t let her young age or physical frailty dampen her enthusiasm for the Advent work. After her local Methodist Church disfellowships Ellen and her family for their Millerite beliefs, her conviction of Christ’s soon return only deepens.
William Miller
William Miller is a gentleman farmer tormented by the question of why he survived the battle of Plattsburg. Searching for answers, he ignores the misgivings and jeers of friends to search the Scriptures where he finds a friend in Jesus.
Joseph Bates
Retired sea captain Joseph Bates hears William Miller’s message of Christ’s soon Second Coming and is absolutely convinced it is true.
William Miller – Discovering Jesus
William Miller is still disturbed about his time at war. He has to know why he survived battle. Despite the misgivings of friends, he immerses himself in Scripture and discovers a friend in Jesus.
William Miller – The Rock or the Plough
Miller struggles with talking about his convictions about prophecy. Pushing aside immense reluctance, he begins to spread the word that Christ will come in 1843, which would fulfill Daniel's 2300-day prophecy.
Joshua Himes – Joining the Cause
There are mixed reactions to Miller's preaching.
Joshua Himes – The Whirlwind
Miller and Himes share the message on a frenetic tour of the Northeastern region of the United States.
2,300 Days – Early Calculations
Miller's calculations turn some people off and excite others.
October 22, 1844 – We Know the Date
1843 has passed. Joseph Bates and Samuel Snow seek to encourage those disappointed that Jesus did not come.
Ellen Harmon – The Early Years
A young but frail Ellen Harmon is convicted by Miller's message.
A Day of Rest – Discovering the Sabbath
Mrs. Preston is convicted that Saturday is the seventh-day Sabbath.
Joseph Bates – Sea Captain Turned Preacher
Former sea captain Joseph Bates meets with influential fellow believers and pledges his resources to advancing the message.
Joseph Bates – Faith Like Flour
The Bates are so poor they can barely buy flour to bake bread or eat.
Tell the World – The Great Disappointment
William Miller is convinced that Jesus will come on October 22, 1844 and lends his voice to preaching the message.
Brothers In a Barn
People mock the grieving Millerites.
1844: Right Date – Wrong Event
Hiram Edson leads an effort to pray for guidance.
The Midnight Cry
Ellen Harmon has a vision during family prayers, in which she is taken high above the earth.
Ellen & James – A Love Story
James White speaks to Ellen Harmon at a gathering. Over friendly conversation and chaperoned walks they fall in love.
The Doubters – Sargent & Robbins
Sargent and Robbins cast Ellen Harmon as a false prophet.
A Healthy World – Learning To Live Well
Ellen White awakes from vision but can't make sense of all she has seen.
Going To School – Lessons In Learning
Ellen White says healing and education go hand in hand.
Your House Is The World
Ellen has a vision in which she is told, "Your house is the world."
Printing – The Beginning of Media Ministry
Numerous pamphlets and publications are printed to share the Advent message to a skeptical public.
Ellen G White – The Person
Through happiness and heartbreak Ellen White grows in her understanding of scripture.
Church Organization – The Road to a Name
Leading a growing movement becomes increasingly challenging without proper organization or even a name.